Advertising Dairy Creamer Trade List

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All creamers are offered for trade only for creamers that I don't have.   I am not offering any for sale at this time. If you have any questions, please send me snail mail at the address below or Email me at and I will respond as soon as possible.

  #14 - 3/4 oz. Rosebud CREAMERY #17 - 3/4 oz. LEHIGH VALLEY CO-OPERATIVE FARMERS #22 - 3/4 oz. Pevely #25 - 1/2 oz. CROWLEY'S DAIRY FOODS #31 - 3/4 oz. QUALITY DAIRY
  #49 - 3/4 oz. Gnagey's Dairy #53 - 3/4 oz. M.G.NEVIUS #59 - 3/4 oz. DAIRYLEA #61 - 1/2 oz. CROWLEY'S DAIRY FOODS #66 - 3/4 oz. RARITAN VALLEY FARMS
  #76 - 3/4 oz. Bryant & Chapman #84 - 3/4 oz. Bowman #86 - 3/4 oz. Rosebud CREAMERY #92 - 3/4 oz. Pevely #93 - 3/4 oz. Helfand DAIRY PRODUCTS
  #99 - 3/4 oz. Rosebud CREAMERY #105 - 1/2 oz. MELL-O #106 - 1/2 oz. MELL-O #108 - 1/2 oz. MELL-O #109 - 1/2 oz. Deep South CREAMERY

For more advertising dairy creamers for trade, click these pages:
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Visit Dale Sligar's home page for more advertising dairy creamers and information.

And visit Ken Clee's web page for even more advertising dairy creamers.