Advertising Dairy Creamer Trade List
Lewis E. Garrett
7713 Shadow Hill Lane
Houston, Texas 77072
Telephone: (281) 530-0542
BACK will be either a different lettering from FRONT or "Same" or "none."
"318","1/2 oz.","Round","Orange","(3 cows and a fence circling creamer)","","Owens-Illinois post-1956 1 .","Mint. Dairy is Somerset Hills?","",""
"159###","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","Bell","Same","Hazel Atlas 3 - 19","Very good condition.","","TX"
"250###","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","Bell","Same","3","Mint.","","TX"
"329###","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","Bell","Same","Hazel-Atlas 3 - 1","Mint.","","TX"
"347###","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","Bell","Same","Hazel-Atlas 3 - 1","Mint.","","TX"
"276","1/2 oz.","Round","Green","Billings Dairy","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 15","Mint.","White River Junction","VT"
"115","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","COLEMAN","(the Quality-Checked symbol)","Hazel Atlas K 6 - 22","Good condition. Pyro a little dull","","unk"
"278","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","Colvert's PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS","none","Owens-Illinois post-1956 6 :","","",""
"222","1/2 oz.","Round","Green","CREAMLAND","ALBUQUERQUE","Owens-Illinois post-1956 8 ? :","Near mint.","Albuquerque","NM"
"25","1/2 oz.","Round","Maroon","CROWLEY'S / fresh fresh / DAIRY FOODS","Same","Owens-Illinois post-56 5 .","Good condition. Missing a little pyro just above the L on one side.","Syracuse","NY"
"61","1/2 oz.","Round","Maroon","CROWLEY'S / fresh fresh / DAIRY FOODS","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 7","Mint. Mold seam runs right between R and O.","Syracuse","NY"
"244","1/2 oz.","Round","Maroon","CROWLEY'S / fresh fresh / DAIRY FOODS","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 10 :","Mint.","Syracuse","NY"
"346","1/2 oz.","Round","Maroon","CROWLEY'S / fresh fresh / DAIRY FOODS","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 7 :","Near mint. Mold seam runs through lettering.","Syracuse","NY"
"109","1/2 oz.","Round","Orange","Deep South CREAMERY","""UDDERLY"" DELICIOUS MILK","Owens-Illinois post-1956 8","Good condition. Pyro worn a bit thin on front.","Jasper","AL"
"211","1/2 oz.","Round","Orange","Deep South CREAMERY","""UDDERLY"" DELICIOUS MILK","Owens-Illinois post-1956 12 :","Mint.","Jasper","AL"
"251","1/2 oz.","Round","Orange","Deep South CREAMERY","""UDDERLY"" DELICIOUS MILK","Owens-Illinois post-1956 2 : ","Mint. Mold seam runs through lettering.","Jasper","AL"
"351","1/2 oz.","Round","Orange","Deep South CREAMERY","""UDDERLY"" DELICIOUS MILK","Owens-Illinois post-1956 4 .","Mint. Mold seam runs through right edge of lettering.","Jasper","AL"
"190","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","Jersey Pride CREAMERY","none","Owens-Illinois post-1956 2","Mint. Mold seam runs through middle of lettering.","",""
"367","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","MEADOW GOLD (lettering across a red ball)","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 2 11 :","Very good condition. A little lime stain on one side that can probably be removed.","",""
"105","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","MELL-O","MILK","Owens-Illinois post-1956 4","Mint.","Talledaga","AL"
"106","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","MELL-O","MILK","Owens-Illinois post-1956 7","Mint.","Talledaga","AL"
"108","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","MELL-O","MILK","Owens-Illinois post-1956 7","Mint.","Talledaga","AL"
"345","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","Netherland","none","Owens-Illinois post-1956 15 ..","Mint.","",""
"176###","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","PLAINS Quality Selected","Same","HAZEL ATLAS K 10 - 16 .","Mint. Right out of original carton.","Amarillo","TX"
"177###","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","PLAINS Quality Selected","Same","HAZEL ATLAS K 10 - 6 .","Mint. Right out of original carton.","Amarillo","TX"
"179###","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","PLAINS Quality Selected","Same","HAZEL ATLAS K 10 - 18 .","Mint. Right out of original carton. Note** Photo is an examaple and not of this creamer specifically because I traded this creamer away before I had a chance to photograph it.","Amarillo","TX"
"180###","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","PLAINS Quality Selected","Same","HAZEL ATLAS K 10 - 17 .","Mint. Right out of original carton.","Amarillo","TX"
"368","1/2 oz.","Round","Red","QUALITY DAIRY ""NONE BETTER""","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 16","Mint.","","MO"
"208***","1/2 oz.","Round","Orange","Streit MILK CO.","Same","Hazel Atlas K 10-16.","Mint. Mold seam runs through left side of lettering.","",""
"370***","1/2 oz.","Round","Orange","Streit MILK CO.","Same","K 10 - 3 .","Near mint. Tiny chip on bottom. A little staining at bottom which may be removeable. Small chip on base.","",""
"217***","1/2 oz.","Round","Yellow","Sunset DAIRY / Phone CY 7-1171","STOLEN FROM TUCSON, ARIZ. (picture of a running burglar)","Owens-Illinois post-1956 1 .","Mint. Mold seam runs through lettering on both sides.","Tucson","AZ"
"226***","1/2 oz.","Round","Yellow","Sunset DAIRY / Phone CY 7-1171","STOLEN FROM TUCSON, ARIZ. (picture of a running burglar)","Owens-Illinois post-1956 4 .","Mint. Mold seam runs through right edge of lettering on both sides.","Tucson","AZ"
"136","1/2 oz.","Round","Orange","Valley Gold","Same","Hazel Atlas K 6 - 2","Mint.","",""
"338***","3/4 oz.","Round","Black","Bay View DAIRY","none","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 7 14 .","Mint. Mold seam runs through left side of lettering.","",""
"240***","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Borden's","none","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 9 6 .","Mint.","",""
"296***","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Borden's","(right looking Elsie) IF IT'S BORDEN'S IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD! / © THE BORDEN COMPANY","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 9 10 .","Mint. Mold seam runs through lettering.","",""
"321***","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Borden's","(right looking Elsie) IF IT'S BORDEN'S IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD! / THE BORDEN COMPANY","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 9 15","Mint. Mold seam runs through lettering.","",""
"84","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Bowman (B is in the shape of a bow and arrow)","same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 3 10 :","Near mint.","Chicago","IL"
"76","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Bryant & Chapman","Same","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 1 7 .","Good condition. A little loss of pyro.","","CN"
"214","3/4 oz.","Round","Maroon","Country Club DAIRY","none","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 8? 1","Near mint. Mold seam runs through lettering.","Kansas City","MO"
"137","3/4 oz.","Round","Orange","Crescent / Pasteurized Milk and Cream","none","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 12 3? 9?","Mint.","",""
"59","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","DAIRYLEA","(silhouettes of a man, woman, and child)","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 1 8 .","Mint.","","NY"
"113","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Dallas Dairy","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 6 6","Mint.","","PA"
"186","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Dallas Dairy","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 5 13 :","Mint. Mold seam runs through middle of lettering on both sides.","","PA"
"378","3/4 oz.","Round","Orange","Dart's Dairy Manchester Conn.","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 5 15 :","Mint.","Manchester","CN"
"182","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Fern's","(picture of a steaming cup of coffee)","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 12 4 1","Mint.","","ID"
"185","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Fern's","(picture of a steaming cup of coffee)","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 12 4 4","Mint. Mold seam runs through middle of 'Fern's'.","",""
"49","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Gnagey's Dairy / MEYERSDALE, PA.","BUTTERCUP (a picture of a right-facing cow in a circle)","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 6 10 .","Good Condition. Sharp pyro.","Meyersdale","PA"
"145","3/4 oz.","Round","Orange","Gossholme Farms / St. Johnsbury Ctr. Vt.","Brickett's / St. Johnsbury Ctr. Vt.","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 4 7 ..","Near mint. Strong pyro. Mold seam runs through middle of lettering on both sides. Small scuff/chip on the bottom edge.","St. Johnsbury Center","VT"
"93","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Helfand DAIRY PRODUCTS","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 6 2 .","Very good condition.","",""
"354","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","HOMAGENETS / the Homogenized Vitamins / Pediatric / S. E. Massengill Co. / Bristol, Tenn.","DOSE: ONE DAILY (a list of the vitamins contained)","11 - 5","Mint. Milkglass bottle.","Bristol","TN"
"17","3/4 oz.","Round","Green","LEHIGH VALLEY CO-OPERATIVE FARMERS","none","Owens-Illinois pre-56 12 3? 11..","Good condition. Tiny hole on bottom.","",""
"53###","3/4 oz.","Round","Blue","M.G.NEVIUS / DIAL 9521","GRADE A DAIRY ","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 12 1 7 .","Very good condition. Pyro a little worn on front.","Galveston","TX"
"169","3/4 oz.","Round","Maroon","Olds DAIRY","","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 12 8 11","Mint. ","","MI"
"168","3/4 oz.","Round","Maroon","Olds DAIRY","none","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 12 8 2","Mint. Mold seam runs through middle of lettering.","","MI"
"258","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","PAULUS","none","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 9 3 ..","Mint. Missing pyro at the top left side of the ""P"" where the mold seam intersects.","",""
"22","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Pevely","Health - First","Owens-Illinois pre-56 9 5 1 2","Good condition. Pyro is bright - just a little wear","","MO"
"92","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Pevely","Health - First","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 5 5","Very good condition.","","MO"
"328***","3/4 oz.","Round","Blue","PURITY MAID PRODUCTS CO.","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 6 6 :","Mint.","","IN"
"162***","3/4 oz.","Round","Blue","PURITY MAID PRODUCTS CO. INC.","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 5 11 :","Mint.","","IN"
"297***","3/4 oz.","Round","Blue","PURITY MAID PRODUCTS CO. INC.","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 3 11 .","Mint. Mold seam runs through right edge of lettering.","","IN"
"31","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","QUALITY DAIRY / ""NONE BETTER""","Same","Owens-Illinois post-56 9 0 8 .","Mint. Mold seam runs between Q and U on both sides.","","MO"
"225","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","QUALITY DAIRY / ""NONE BETTER""","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 7? 14 :","Good condition. Some case wear on the pyro. Mold seam runs through lettering on both sides.","","MO"
"66","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","RARITAN VALLEY FARMS","SOMERVILLE, N.J. / DAIRY PRODUCTS","Hazel Atlas K 3 - 4","Very good condition.","Somerville","NJ"
"287","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Riverview DAIRY / ST. CHARLES, ILL.","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 12 8 11","Good. Pyro has several tiny flakes missing. Mold seam runs through right edge of lettering.","St. Charles","IL"
"337","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","ROBERTS BROTHERS (picture of 2 chefs running)","REAL CREAM / GOLDEN STATE","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 4 1 .","Mint. Mold seam runs through right edge of lettering.","",""
"388","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","Seneca DAIRY SYRACUSE, N.Y.","none","14 6","Near mint. Lettering a little dull.","Syracuse","NY"
"130","3/4 oz.","Round","Orange","Seneca / Syracuse / DAIRY INC. (S is shared by Seneca and Syracuse)","Same","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 3 9 ..","Mint. Mold seam runs through E of Seneca on both sides.","Syracuse","NY"
"349","3/4 oz.","Round","Orange","Seneca / Syracuse / DAIRY INC. (S is shared by Seneca and Syracuse)","Same","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 3 9","Mint. ","Syracuse","NY"
"358","3/4 oz.","Round","Orange","Seneca / Syracuse / DAIRY INC. (S is shared by Seneca and Syracuse)","Same","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 3 10 ..","Mint. Mold seam runs through right edge of lettering.","Syracuse","NY"
"302","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","SUNSET DAIRY FARMS (a picture of a cow and 2 milk cans)","STOLEN FROM TUCSON, ARIZ. (a picture of a burglar running with a creamer in his hand)","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 5 0 9","Mint. Mold seam runs through left edge of lettering. There is a v-shaped manufacturing flaw across one of the seams.","Tuscon","AZ"
"204","3/4 oz.","Round","Orange","Valley Farm DAIRY PROD.","Same","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 6 10 :","Near mint. Mold seam runs through lettering on both sides. A few tiny dots of pyro missing.","",""
"230","3/4 oz.","Round","Red","WESTERN-UNITED DAIRY CO.","none","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 4 4 .","Poor. Lettering is worn. Case worn. Mold seam runs through lettering.","",""
"117","3/4 oz.","Square","Orange","Acee","Same","8","Mint.","Ft. Smith","AR"
"279","3/4 oz.","Square","Orange","Baldwin","(a man running with a large milk bottle)","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 0 2","Mint.","",""
"280","3/4 oz.","Square","Orange","Baldwin","(a man running with a large milk bottle)","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 0 7","Mint.","",""
"283","3/4 oz.","Square","Orange","Baldwin","(a man running with a large milk bottle)","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 0 4","Mint.","",""
"284","3/4 oz.","Square","Orange","Baldwin","(a man running with a large milk bottle)","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 0 5 .","Mint.","",""
"282","3/4 oz.","Square","Orange","Baldwin","(a man running with a large milk bottle)(a man running with a large milk bottle)","Owens-Illinois pre-1956 9 0 1","Mint.","",""
"301###","3/4 oz.","Square","Red","Banner DAIRY ""It tastes better""","Same","1 ?","Mint.","Abilene","TX"
"158###","3/4 oz.","Square","Red","Banner MILK / ""It tastes better""","Same","9? .","Mint.","Abilene","TX"
"366","3/4 oz.","Square","Red","Daricraft","Same","7","Very good condition.","",""
"126","3/4 oz.","Square","Orange","Hoffman's","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 0 8","Good condition. Glass is splotched on the inside throughout.","","PA"
"320","3/4 oz.","Square","Red","OLBRYCH'S","AMSTERDAM, N. Y.","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 0 9 .","Very good condition.","Amsterdam","NY"
"14","3/4 oz.","Square","Maroon","Rosebud CREAMERY","none","Owens-Illinois post-56 9 0 8","Very good condition. Nice sharp pyro.","Plattsburgh","NY"
"86","3/4 oz.","Square","Maroon","Rosebud CREAMERY","none","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 0? 1?","Mint.","Plattsburgh","NY"
"99","3/4 oz.","Square","Maroon","Rosebud CREAMERY","none","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 0 5 :","Mint.","Plattsburgh","NY"
"207","3/4 oz.","Square","Maroon","Rosebud Creamery","none","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 9? 1 :","Mint.","Plattsburgh","NY"
"289","3/4 oz.","Square","Maroon","Rosebud CREAMERY","none","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 0 9 .","Mint.","Plattsburgh","NY"
"343","3/4 oz.","Square","Black","SANGAMON DAIRY","none","10 .","Fair condition. Mold flaws on one corner where the glass is pitted in a few spots. One clouded spot that may be cleanable. I think someone touched up the glass a bit with nail polish to cover flaws.","",""
"154","3/4 oz.","Square","Red","United Dairies","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 0 6","Mint.","Niles","MI"
"157","3/4 oz.","Square","Red","United Dairies","Same","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 0 8 :","Mint.","Niles","MI"
"156","3/4 oz.","Square","Red","United Dairies","Sames","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 0 4","Mint.","Niles","MI"
"129","3/4 oz.","Square","Orange","Wilson DAIRY CO.","FINE FOODS € SINCE 1877","Owens-Illinois post-1956 9 0 8","Very good condition. A little loss of pyro in the I and N of FINE.","Atlantic City","NJ"
April 2000